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Searching a database in PhpMyAdmin
Searching through a MySQL database in phpMyAdmin
This tutorial demonstrates how to run searches through databases in phpMyAdmin.
Begin by accessing phpMyAdmin via cPanel .
- Select a database you want to search (by clicking on the database in the left column while on the phpMyAdmin home page).
- Once inside the database, a list of tables appear. Click on the Search tab.
- Once on the search tab, you can type a list of keywords you wish to search for. Each keyword is preferably separated by a comma.
- Select which way you want to search:
- At least one of the word.
- All words.
- The exact phrase.
- As regular expression.
- Select which tables you want to search within. You can select them all, select some of them, or select one. Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking, to select more than one table.
- You can also further narrow your results if you know exactly which column you are looking to search.
- Press the Go button.
- It will now display the results based on table.
- Click on Browse next to one of the tables to view the results.
The records matching your search will be displayed on the screen, and you can interact with them in a variety of ways such as copying, editing or deleting.