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Just Host Web Hosting Help

VPS or Dedicated Hosting - Installing PHP APC

If you would like to improve the caching optimization of your PHP site, you may want to install Alternative PHP Cache (APC).

You will need both to use SSH access and have Sudo Access enabled. If you have not enabled sudo access please see Enabling Sudo Access to learn how to do so.

Installing APC

  1. Log in to the SSH terminal.
  2. Type sudo pecl install apc and press enter.
  3. Once that is installed make a PHP information page in your public_html folder to see that it is enabled.

    For more information about creating a phpinfo page please see the article PHP information page.

Any changes or adjustments that you would need to do to APC you would do in the php.ini file. To learn more about Alternative PHP Cache go to the PHP APC Manual.

Knowledgebase Article 170,297 views bookmark tags: caching dedicated pecl vps

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